Fish passes and land restoration on the Inn and Danube

VERBUND, the leading generator of hydropower in Central Europe, has launched a powerful program to connect the last remaining interrupted habitats along the Danube and the border section of the Inn. Following on from previous projects, the power plants at Schärding-Neuhaus, Jochenstein, Aschach and Ybbs-Persenbeug will be equipped with fish passes and the banks extensively restored. This will make the Danube and Inn passable to fish all the way from Romania to Rosenheim.
About the partnership with the EU LIFE programme

Project goals

The planned LIFE Blue Belt Danube Inn project aims at connecting precious habitats on the Inn and Danube with each other and improving the habitat conditions within the Natura 2000 areas. The measures complement completed and ongoing LIFE projects on the Danube and Inn. In addition to the objectives given in the FFH and bird conservation directives, the project will contribute to meeting the requirements of the Ramsar Convention and the EU Water Framework Directive.
About the individual measures

Conservation of endangered river fish

The project LIFE Blue Belt Danube Inn aims at conserving and improving the endangered river fish in the Danube and Inn. The focus is on the freshwater fish that need connected habitats on the Danube and Inn as medium-distance migratory species. Examples are grayling, nase, barbel and sterlet. The absence of barriers at the power plants enables regional populations to connect with each other.
About the ecological measures

Benefit for Natura 2000

Measures are being implemented on the Austrian and Bavarian sections of the Danube and Inn rivers. The following Natural 200 areas will benefit directly or indirectly from the measures: Upper Danube and Aschach valley (AT3122000), Danube from Kachlet to Jochenstein with Inn and Ilz mouth (DE7447371), Salzach and Lower Inn (DE7744371), Lower Austrian alpine foothill rivers (AT1219000), Strudengau – Nibelungengau (AT1217A00), and the Eferding Basin (AT3127000).