Schärding fish pass

The fish pass at the Inn power plant Schärding-Neuhaus will be designed by LIFE Blue Belt Danube Inn as a 3.5 km-long bypass river.

Fish migration aid for the Schärding-Neuhaus power station

The VERBUND Schärding-Neuhaus power plant is a run-of-river power plant on the River Inn and connects the municipalities of Schärding in Upper Austria and Neuhaus in Bavaria. The power plant with an annual generation of 541,800 MWh was commissioned in 1966. The fish migration aid will consist of a 3.5 kilometre long bypass. This will not only make the power station passable for fish. The newly created river habitat will provide spawning grounds for fish, shelter for juvenile fish and a refuge for all types of aquatic life.

The picture shows an aerial view of the Schärding-Neuhaus hydropower plant. The power station and the blue-green Danube can be seen in the centre. On the right-hand side of the picture you can see forest and behind the power station you can see the town of Schärding and the landscape with a bright blue sky.