New bank structures on the Danube and Inn

The LIFE Blue Belt Danube Inn project is creating new riverbank structures on the banks of the Danube and Inn rivers. The project area includes the Passau-Ingling and Schärding-Neuhaus reservoirs on the Inn as well as the Jochenstein and Aschach reservoirs on the Danube.

More living space through restructuring on the Inn

In the reservoirs of the Schärding-Neuhaus and Passau-Ingling power plants, the Blue Belt Danube Inn project is creating new bank structures at suitable locations. Gravel banks will provide a protected habitat for fish on the Inn. The gravel required will be dredged from the reservoirs and relocated in the watercourse. This will sustainably enhance the river habitat along the Inn.

The picture shows an aerial view of the Passau-Inglings power station from the downstream side. The Inn is blue-green and therefore stands out strongly against the light and dark green meadows and forests to the left and right of the river. The course of the Inn can still be seen in the background, with forest and blue sky behind it.

Environmental protection on the Danube

In the reservoirs of the Jochenstein and Aschach Danube power plants, new bank structures are being created at suitable locations as part of the Blue Belt Danube Inn project. In future, gravel banks will provide new protected habitats for fish along the Danube. The gravel required will be extracted in the vicinity of the power plants and relocated in the watercourse. The aim is to enhance the riparian areas along the reservoirs so that the entire Danube benefits from the measure.

The picture shows a small section of a newly structured bank. You can see tree trunks and stones as well as gravel that have been placed for fish and other animals. Green aquatic plants and the green-blue water all around can also be seen. On the left is the bank with green plants.